Alleviate pain and restore natural motion

The Accu-Joint® implant system is a revolutionary, FDA-approved treatment for MTP joint disorders that is designed to restore natural motion and preserve your active lifestyle. Now you don’t have to choose between an active lifestyle, and living pain free. You can have both with the Accu-Joint® implant.

Learn how the Accu-Joint® Implant changed Aly’s life.

“Over the years I’ve had four separate surgeries to try and relieve the joint pain in my left big toe. None of them worked. With each surgery my pain got worse. After the Accu-Joint® Implant surgery, my toe pain disappeared. Not only that, I now have range of motion in my joint and can walk normally. The results are a miracle.”

Learn more about the Accu-Joint® Implant

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You have a choice

The Accu-Joint® implant is the only implant of its kind. Unlike other implants that remove large portions of the bone and transfer weight onto the implant itself, the Accu-Joint® preserves bone and is non-weight-bearing. This translates to a stronger joint, reduced pain, and increased mobility.


Fusion and other implants

  • Fusion and other implants use a bone saw to resect the joint
  • Most implants replace the entire joint
  • Fusions require plates and screws to connect the joint: no bending and limits activity
  • Body weight is put on the implant which can loosen and/or fail
  • Toe is shortened in length
  • Loss of bone limits future options and revision surgery is complicated, costly and recovery lengthy

The Accu-Joint® restores joint motion

  • Patented 2-stage reamer removes only cartilage, minimal bone loss
  • Body weight is transferred to preserved bone, not the implant
  • Weight-bearing from day one and patients are back on their feet in days, not weeks
  • Patients regain mobility and joint functionality without shortening of toe length
  • Bone retention means you ‘haven’t burned any bridges’ if decision is made to consider other options in the future

Learn why Dr. Stephen Arndt, MD chooses the Accu-Joint® implant for his patients

“We're not removing a lot of bone”

“My patients with the Accu-Joint® are the happiest of all my patients. They're walking in to follow up appointments, they're moving the foot early, the swelling is minimal, and there's really not a lot of pain. The Accu-Joint® doesn’t burn any bridges. We're not removing a lot of bone, so if we need to ever do anything again in the future, all the options exist.”

Learn how the Accu-Joint® Implant compares to fusion and other implants

The Accu-Joint® implant is the next generation solution that addresses the failures of the past and sets new standards in podiatric care.

Frequently asked questions

Who is the Accu-Joint® for?
The Accu-Joint® is a medical device for the treatment of painful arthritic greater and lesser toe joints of the foot. The system has been developed to help maintain normal function and reduce pain. It’s purpose is to replicate the normal motion of your joint. The Accu-Joint® is specifically designed to remove only the damaged cartilage, and replace it with a minimally invasive titanium implant designed to maximize motion.
Tell me more about the Accu-Joint® implant surgery. What should I expect?
The procedure is completed as an out-patient surgery with anesthesia. The surgery usually takes under an hour and your foot will be bandaged after the procedure. You will want to focus on elevation and limited activity for the next few days. Your surgeon may allow weight bearing in a special surgical shoe. As always, follow your surgeon’s specific instructions.
Is the Accu-Joint® implant procedure covered by insurance?
The Accu-Joint® Implant is FDA approved and accepted by many insurance carriers including Medicare. As all insurances vary, please discuss with your surgeon.
Can I use the Accu-Joint® if I have already had a joint fusion?
This may be possible in selected cases of fusion that did not require a bone graft.
How much time will I have to take off work to recover from the Accu-Joint® implant procedure?
Typically 5 weeks if your career involves being on your feet actively. If your career is at a desk you can return in 3 days.
What are the benefits of the Accu-Joint®?
  1. It is designed to replace the cartilage in your joint so that the natural movement of your toe is preserved as opposed to having a fusion, which eliminates the ability of your toe to bend.
  2. The Accu-Joint® is intended to be non-weight bearing and rely on the hard bone of your toe to support body weight, particularly during exercise when the weight of the body placed on your toes can double or even triple.
  3. The procedure is straightforward, usually takes less than an hour and patients are expected to begin putting weight on their toe soon after surgery.
What is an MTP joint disorder?
The Metatarsal Phalangeal (MTP) Joints are the joints where the foot meets the toes. MTP disorders are defined as a joint deformity or bone disease that results in an arthritic joint after a period of time. These disorders are often painful and make it difficult to put weight on your toes and move your joints.
Will I retain motion of my MTP joint after the Accu-Joint® procedure?
The Accu-Joint® has been developed to improve the ability of your toes to bend and move so that you can put weight on your foot and achieve an acceptable quality of life.
Why have I not been offered the Accu-Joint® implant before?
The Accu-Joint® Implant was approved by the FDA only recently, so it has not been available until now.
How is the Accu-Joint® implant different from a traditional bone fusion?
The Accu-Joint® implant is designed to restore and preserve normal joint function and eliminate the pain, allowing normal everyday activity and quality of life. A joint fusion typically only eliminates joint pain and the result is you are unable to bend your toe in a normal fashion.
How long is the recovery from the Accu-Joint® implant procedure?
The procedure allows immediate weight bearing after surgery the recovery period is typically about 4-5 weeks.
When can I drive after the Accu-Joint® implant procedure?
Driving is allowed after 4-5 weeks of healing, if it involves the right foot. If it is the left foot, driving is allowed during the entire 5 week course of healing.
What type of metal are Accu-Joint® implants made from?
Surgical grade titanium, the least reactive and strongest metal used in surgery today.
Can I have both feet operated on at one time?
This is possible in some cases but not all, depending on age, health and physical conditions.
Can any doctor perform the Accu-Joint® implant procedure?
No, only surgeons trained on the Accu-Joint® implant can complete the surgery.

"The Accu-Joint® surgery allows for more mobility than a fusion because your joint is able to flex and move like it naturally would…The Accu-Joint® has given me more freedom to get back to activities that I enjoy...It’s the best option in my opinion and could definitely be a game changer for folks. If you can get your foot back to full mobility, the sky’s the limit."

— Greg Kite, Former NBA Player and Accu-Joint® Implant Patient

Get back on your feet quickly

Here is a typical recovery timeline for the Accu-Joint® procedure, however your experience may be different depending on your doctor’s recommendations and your specific condition. Be sure to ask your doctor what your recovery process will look like.

What to expect
Day 0
Day of your surgery

Implant is designed to allow for immediate ambulation (walking) the day of surgery, in a post operative surgical shoe.

7 days post-op
1st doctor visit

Dressing change & wound inspection.

14 days post-op
2nd doctor visit

Stitches are removed and range-of-motion exercises can begin.

21 days post-op
3rd doctor visit

Transition to a supportive sneaker and increase activity as you can tolerate it.

“The Accu-Joint® Implant surgery has changed my life…I’m able to do what I want to do when I want to do it…I don’t have to ice my toe anymore, I just go. I would highly recommend the Accu-Joint® Implant. Don’t wait…Life is short. Live it.”

— Sean, Accu-Joint® Implant Patient